Legionella Nightmares

Virtual Webinar | How to Prevent an Outbreak
January 31, 2023 | 1p.m. eastern time (1 hour) 

UNLOCK the Legionella SECRET
everyone should know

Are you responsible for legionella protocols, testing, and public health safety? Do you know what’s going on inside your cooling towers, hot water loops, tanks, fountains, and potable water? Even if you test every 30 days, you are still at risk of exposure.

Did you know that it takes only 5 days for Legionella to go from a low risk to causing a deadly outbreak. 

You probably now recognize that compliance with safety measures and regulations are becoming complex and very time-consuming.


💥 A hotel in Atlanta was forced to close down for several weeks after victims were declared.

💥 Reported USA jury awards have been as high as $6MM and many cases are settled out of court without published settlement amounts.

💥 Judge awards $7.5M to victims of Quebec City Legionnaires' outbreak.

💥In France, UK and Japan, landlords, Duty Holders, Responsible Persons, sentence to hudge fines and prison.

💥 Presence of Legionella in the workplace caused the death of a security officer employee commercial real estate in Gatineau..

💥A paper mill in Quebec stopped its operations for 4 days, which cost 1.2 million dollars in revenues loss.

💥 Legionellosis outbreak associated with a hotel fountain killed three people in Chicago.

💥 Office building cooling tower shutdown after positive results have been received and resulted in the tenant’s transactional servers & data center shutdown making them lose lots of sales.

💥 Bad press nightmare for all these companies to find themselves on google for ever! 

EVENTS webinar (1280 × 650 px)


  • If you think you never had Legionella over the safety limits.
  • If you had Legionella in your system before.
  • If you are thinking about removing your cooling towers for dry heating and cooling.
  • If you lack labor to manage Legionella testing.
  • If water safety compliance is complicated.
  • If your water treatment knowledge is limited or your staff needs to better understand how it works.
  • If you want to protect yourself from a negligence lawsuit making your water management plan foolproof.
  • If shutting down your cooling towers would be a disaster for your operations.
  • If you cheat the water samples, you send to the lab for testing.
  • If you don't need to comply with any regulations and you want to do the right thing while contributing to public health.
  • You want to validate that your water treatment is effective.

Perfect for whom?

  • All Duty Holders
  • Property & Plant Managers
  • Operations Superintendent
  • Operators & Technicians
  • Engineers & Architects
  • Real Estate Owners
  • Board of directors
  • Water Treaters & Service Providers

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  • Learn what is Legionella, who does it impact.
  • Develop your knowledge of best practices in Legionella risk management.
  • Learn about the limitations of ASHRAE, CTI, AWT and RBQ regulations to reduce the risk of outbreaks.
  • How to obtain an innovation point from the WELL Health Safety Rating (SA3).
  • How to comply with MD 15161 emergency mode protocols easily and economically?
  • Find out why cooling towers are still the best option? 
  • Discover the power of monitoring and data.
  • Determine how to control and prevent Legionella growth and spread.

Should you decide to apply what you have learned

✅  Start managing Legionella with confidence.

✅ Improve your water management plan and make it rock solid.

✅ Optimize and validate that all interventions are the right ones.

✅ Start being PROACTIVE  instead of REACTIVE.

✅ Go above and beyond mandatory regulations with ease.

✅ Understand the power of data to anticipate growth and spread of Legionella.

✅ Transform Legionella nightmares into peaceful sleep. 

✅ Increase your Legionella knowledge in equipments, testing methods and reading results

✅ Become a GAME CHANGER & industry leader.

✅ If you are a PIE member (Practicing Institute of Engineering Org), receive a PDH continuing education credit for attending this (1) one hour webinar.

QUESTION MARK BLANC (1280 × 650 px)


Bring your questions to the table and let the experts guide you to take total control over Legionella making your environment safer and as a bonus maybe make potential savings!

Meet our speakers